4 days since her homecoming.
And today I listened as she giggled from the depths of her belly with her older brothers and sisters. I watched as she ran to the door beaming with arms held wide as Daddy came home from work.
She is home.
I have so much to say. I kept a journal in Ethiopia again that I do plan on sharing. I just need some time to edit it and go over the details.
But I now have 5 kids playing around my legs as I cook, clean, etc. so I know you understand if it takes me a few days to, y'know, get it together.
Oh it is all so good.
Adoption ROCKS.

I've been dying to see an update. YAY!!!! (picture me screaming this with smile from ear to ear). So glad you're all home safely and cannot WAIT to hear more.
I've been a reader for a couple of months and a first time commenter. I am here every day checking to see if you guys made it home and how she's doing. I'm so glad to hear she is doing great.