Thursday, April 2, 2015

Getting real. Wanna join me?

Dear Reader,

Oh, this blog.
How many times have I recreated it?  Changed the focus?  Tried to find what the heck I want to write about?

The truth is, I just want to write.  I love it.  But I have written myself into a corner by focusing too narrowly and not allowing myself freedom to hammer out whatever suits the moment.  I want to glorify God, and I also want to laugh...maybe even giving you a good chuckle as well!  Most days, my life doesn't look very inspirational.  I have yelled at my kids, or I have ignored the laundry, or I have totally sucked at schooling and they all want to go to "real" school to get away from psycho mom.

Yeah, that's the stuff I have stuffed because it didn't fit the focus of my blog.

Don't get me wrong; God speaks so clearly sometimes, and I have shared those moments here.  But sometimes I just can't believe what one of my kids said, or I read a really good book, or I want to show you the real me...dirty dishes and all.

So, once again, I am piddling with new blog buttons and headers and thinking about what I really want to say to you.  I want to shout grace, I want to say "I get you!  We need each other!  We can't do this mothering thing alone!"  I want to tell you about the whiny day my 8 year old had and get an "amen."  I need to tell you how my teenager said that thing that I swore before kids my kid would never say to me and get reassurance that they will still come home for Christmas when they are grown.  I would love to share how I looked at myself in the mirror and realize there is a good reason I am no longer getting carded when I order a margarita.


And I want to continue reminding all of us that God is right here, present in the midst of this messy season of life. That He speaks and moves and we can trust Him even when we don't trust ourselves.

So here I am, starting fresh again.  I will decare the glory of God, and I will share all the stories and weirdness flittering about in this sleep-deprived, caffeine-dependent, overwhelmed brain of mine.  I hope you will stick around.  I especially hope you will share your stuff as well!  It is so much more fun if I don't do all the talking.  Let's hang over a cup of coffee and help each other through the hard days.  Let's rejoice over the small victories and cry together when all of our dreams are teetering on the edge of destruction.  Life is so much better together.

Love, Jeanine

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