I have had these thoughts, strong and determined, swirling around in my head for months. I see what is happening in the Church, especially among the women of the Church who, in a sincere attempt to model Jesus...to make a difference...are being sucked into false teaching.
It is so subtle.
It is so dangerous.
I have no qualifications, per se, to be trying to teach. I have no college degree or training of any kind from which I draw.
I only have years of living day by day, hearing and reading and trying to apply God's word to my life and feeding my voracious book habit which gradually became a habit demanding more, demanding I go deeper and seek reality and Truth.
I want to walk in Truth, and I want to do my best to help my sisters in Christ walk in Truth.
So I begin, a bit afraid and with the realization that this is a huge task.
Again, you may not think I am qualified to do this, but I believe He has called me and so I lay myself down at the foot of the Cross and cry out “Less of me, more of You.”
I began writing this on January 1, 2012. I will divide the posts into bite-sized pieces so as not to overwhelm you with too much reading. I nervously share this, praying that it challenges us all to a closer walk with Jesus. May we examine our hearts closely and seek Him first, allowing the works He has planned for us to flow naturally out of a solid relationship with our Lord.
The first installment will begin tomorrow. Gulp.
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