Saturday, October 30, 2010

8 days!

Last night I dreamed I was going through customs with my daughters.  I think I know why.  I was instructed last week by our travel coordinator to say to the agent..."Here is my daughter's packet and she has an IR-3 Visa" in order to be SURE they stamp her passport correctly.   It is a big deal because if they give her the wrong stamp she will not be an American citizen.  But with the correct IR-3 Visa, which she gets because we met her before our court date, she will be an American citizen the second she sets foot on American soil.

That's one small step for man...or at least Little Sister.  But one giant leap for mankind!


I guess I am so afraid of forgetting to say that in all the hustle and bustle of our arrival that I am rehearsing it even in my sleep.  The list of lists in my head is endless right now.  Homeschooling plus adoption plus international travel is stretching my organizational skills to the max!

But it's ALL good.

8 days till liftoff.  10 days till Little Sister is in my arms forever.  I have a BIG blog post cooking in my scrambled brain that I hope to hammer out in the next few days.  Until then please keep us in your prayers as we prepare our hearts and home for our sweet girl.

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