I have kids who are tenacious, who have drive and gusto and determination to finish the task. I also have kids who would rather watch TV. They are the tough ones to school and to train because they give up easily. So how do I teach tenacity?
By being tenacious.
I try to model it so that I can expect the same from them. I read books that are difficult. (Still working on Les Miserables. Hopefully I will finish it during this decade!). I work the same math problem with them 832 times until they get it. If I don't know the answer to something they see me research until I find it. And when I just can't do it I pray for help. (Probably should do that to start with, right?)
Tenacity is hard for me to teach because it is not a natural thing for me. I have a long history, especially in my early walk with Christ, of giving up or stopping short of the goal.
I want better for my kids.
And here I sit again, marveling at the grace of God. As He urges me on in parenting, prompting me to focus on these character traits, I realize He is building these things in me as well. I am most definitely a work in progress. What a relief to experience the patience of God and know that all the things He calls me to do as a mother must and will flow from His work in my own heart and life!