I have been here for a solid week and this is the first time I have been able to log into Blogger. Hallelujah! I have been journaling all week and wanted to share this incredible journey with you. I have one more day here before flying back home but what follows is what I have seen, smelled, tasted, heard, and felt over the past 8 days. I will never be the same. I pray that if you are feeling the nudge from God to bring one of His precious orphans into your family that this will encourage you to move forward and trust Him to build your family despite the obstacles you may face. He is so good, so faithful, and the lessons He is teaching me through this experience could not have been learned any other way.
So without further adieu...
Our Journey to Little Sister
I have so much to share, but know that I will be completely unable to do it justice with my words. We left home yesterday morning after kissing our four sweeties goodbye and spent the next 24 hours in airports and on airplanes. We flew to Dulles airport in DC first, then had a 4 hour layover. We enjoyed a late lunch of Quesadillas and chatted with the friendly Ethiopian bartender who shared that she dreams of going back to Addis to open and orphanage with her mother so they can care for the children. Talk about an instant heart connection! Then we boarded Ethiopian Airlines flight 501 to Addis Ababa via Rome, Italy.
As we took off from DC I kept remembering the verse from Isaiah that was given to me by the Lord through a prayer-warrior friend...You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace. The mountains will bow down and the trees of the field will clap their hands....
I clung to His Word as we climbed to 35,000 feet and soared over the Atlantic ocean while tears stung my eyes. The sun rose at 1:00am “our time” over the ocean and, despite the fatigue, I was captivated. It began as a sliver of light that quickly illuminated the sky and the ocean below us. We caught glimpses of southern France, marveled at the Great Pyrennes mountains poking sharply through the clouds, and took in the lush Italian countryside. We saw an ancient castle on a hill overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Amazing.
We landed in Rome to refuel and breathed deeply when the cabin doors opened which allowed a burst of fresh air to whisk through the aircraft. I enjoyed the friendly banter of the Italians who restocked the plane and marveled that our African flight attendants shifted so easily from Amharic to English to Italian.
Then, once again, we were airborne and this time we were headed straight for Africa.
Straight to my daughter.
We flew over the Sahara desert. I have never seen anything so barren and intimidating in all of my life. Not one sign of life anywhere. The terrain gradually became more hilly as we crossed the Ethiopian border.
Slowly, slowly, we descended. I felt sad that the sun was setting, meaning I would not get a good view of the city til morning, but then I looked up and there was the evening star shining brightly...completely alone in a cloudless sky. I felt the Lord speak to my heart, reminding me that He is right here with us on this journey. We may be traveling across the globe, but His eye is still firmly fixed upon us. I smiled as I looked at the thousands of lights flickering across the city and realized that one of those lights is my daughter. She is here. WE are here, in the same city with her. I wonder if she felt it in her spirit when we landed? I pray she did. As we touched down in Africa tears ran down my cheeks.
Next we went through the chaos of getting our Visas, exchanging money, and retrieving our luggage. Our drivers, Yonas, and Dawit along with Dawit's uncle Abrhm, and Eyob met us with friendly smiles. Another family who is here for their embassy appointment joined us and we were whisked off for a WILD ride through the city to the Yebsabi Guest House.
Oh. My. Word. People milled about everywhere, many sleeping on the sidewalks, bright and shiny new buildings being erected next to tin shanties, meat markets with huge slabs of beef hanging in the window, prostitutes and derelicts loitering, and children the age of mine running around with no parent in sight. Men urinated in the street and dogs barked from unseen alleys. I was officially experiencing culture shock.
We arrived at the Guest House and looked at each other. We were instructed to meet downstairs at 9:30am to receive our itinerary for the week. Oh...and we will go to the Transition Home after lunch. To meet her. We are here. We are going to have her in our arms in a matter of hours!
We unpacked, got online, and Skyped our babies back home. What a relief to see their smiling faces and hear their sweet, happy voices! We spent some time in the Guest House Lobby checking email and updating Facebook, then prepared to go to bed.
We met Duni, the AWAA Ethiopia Coordinator, at 9:30. I was taken aback by her accent...or the lack thereof! She sounded completely American when she spoke to us, but perfectly Ethiopian when she spoke Amharic. What a beautiful and interesting woman that God has so perfectly placed here in this position! She helped the other family get started on their Embassy paperwork then briefed us on what to expect. The best surprise was that we would not be seeing our sweet girl after lunch, but at 10:30! In ONE HOUR! Be still my heart.
After our meeting we grabbed our backpack, looked at each other with the “here we go, can you believe this is happening now” look, and got into the van for the bumpy ride to the Transition Home...to our daughter! We got out of the van, and suddenly we were surrounded by a sea of beautiful brown faces. Children everywhere, begging for hugs and kisses, saying to us in English “I love you so much” and holding our hands, our arms, whatever they could grab, until the nannies shooshed them away so we could go into the family meeting room. I quickly handed my cameras to Eyob, hoped he knew how to work them, and sat on the faded, slipcovered couch wandering when she was going to enter the room. There was a flurry of activity as the drivers and nannies all chatted and, suddenly, this tiny little girl walked into the room. She passed between the men, gaves us a glance, and headed for the toybox. Well, at least she didn't run out of the room screaming! We tried to get her attention but she was basically ignoring us...the strangers. Eyob spoke to her in Amharic, telling we are Mommy and Daddy and does she love us? I, of course, had NO idea what he was saying so imagine my surprise when she jumped into my lap wrapped her little arms around me! Tears welled up in my eyes as I held her and kissed her and whispered Eh-weh de-shal-lo...”I love you.” The I said it to her in English and she said softly “I love you so much.”
Oh my. I did not expect her to speak one work of English, much less be able to say THAT.
Daddy crouched down next to us with a smile on his face and we attempted to put her at ease, to somehow help her feel our love despite the language barrier. It didn't take long for her to start giggling and soon she was throwing back her head and laughing at the smallest silly gestures. Dropped toys, surprised looks by us when her sunglasses fell off the top of her head, and tickles elicited huge laughs from this tiny girl. She pointed at a picture in her hand on a deck of cards joined by a ring. It was of a man with his daughter. She pointed at us next and said “Daddymommy” in one continuous word. I was Daddymommy, and Daddy was Daddymommy! I worked with her on separating us...Daddy, Mommy...and getting straight who was who. Soon she was proud of herself for getting it right, pointing at me and saying “Mommy” then pointing at him and saying “Daddy.” We spent a sweet hour just loving on her and playing with her. We noted that she is not, in fact, perfectly happy all the time. A few times I could see her uncertainty when she tried to scratch or bite us. I learned the Amharic word for “gentle” is “cus”...a word that I feel I will be using frequently! But though she did act out a bit, when I firmly took her hand and said “cus” or “no” she responded. I am sure she was trying to figure us out...to see why we are really here and probably a bit afraid of what we are going to do with her. God only knows what she has experienced in her short life. But I was heartened by the fact that, when she accidentally whacked me in the head with a toy, she immediately looked concerned and softly touched my face while speaking softly in Amharic words that I could only interpret to mean she was sorry and did not mean to hurt. I just hugged her close and smooched her neck until she giggled. How I love her giggle. We then took her up to the front porch of the Transition Home where we were served coffee...Ethiopian style.
Oh sweet deliciousness.
Along with the coffee were were presented with plates of popcorn! I offered it to Haven but she shook her head “no.” So I took a few bites and made a big deal about how yummy it tasted and before long she was eating out of my hand! Soon, she started feeding me, which delighted me because that is a huge sign of trust. Then she was feeding Daddy and giggling when he spit out an unpopped kernel. Then Dawit signaled that it was time to leave and go to lunch, so we kissed her goodbye and left. So much to process, so many images burning into our hearts.
We ate at Makush, an Italian Restaurant and art gallery, and had FABULOUS lasagna and real Coke out of the bottle. Yum. I enjoyed visiting with Duni and learning more about her fascinating life. During our meal, she reached into her bag and pulled out a treasure...a DVD with a documentary of our daughter's life. Interviews with her birthmother and her grandfather, along with footage of her village and even the hut where she was born. She said she felt like this should answer most of our questions, but anything else we need to know we could ask on Friday after court when we were scheduled to meet her birthmother. After lunch we hit the road (road being a loose term in Ethiopia!) bouncing through potholes and dodging donkeys and pedestrians to head back to the Transition Home. Little Sister came right out, carried by her Nanny. I held my arms out and she came to me easily. She laid her head on my shoulder and relaxed while I squeezed her and kissed her sweet head. The Nanny then said “Before you come, she cry. Now she happy.”
We spent another hour and a half playing with her, noting that she scratched less this time and seemed more trusting. We walked down the street to see her temporary home, the second Transition Home that houses children over 2, and she proudly showed me her bed. Again we were surrounded by a sea of hopeful faces, by chubby hands grabbing at us, by lips poised for a kiss from whoever would be willing. I laughed as a little boy entered the room after all the children went outside and LS apparently was letting him know that this was HER time in no uncertain terms! The girl definitely has spunk and sass! We then went through the kitchen and heard the strains of the Veggie Tales theme coming from a little TV where all the kids sat, glued to the screen. What a surprise! The cook called out to her from across the yard and they began a silly sweet banter which included the cook asking “Do you hate me? Do you hate me?” and when LS said Yes just to keep the game going they would both laugh and stick out their tongues! The cook noticed my Ugandan paper bead necklace, which I was wearing as a bracelet, and gestured to ask if she could have it. Of course I said yes, then put LS in her lap to take a photo. She thanked me over and over, this precious old woman who has showered my daughter with love and laughter for months, and I put my hand on her shoulder and said “You are welcome. Bless you.”
We settled Little Sis in front of the TV and snuck out so she would not cry. We came back to the Guest House, tired and happy, and Skyped the kiddos at home, then had a dinner of vegetable pizza which hit the spot. We chatted with other families here to adopt and enjoyed all the stories God is weaving together, then went up to our room to settle in for the evening.
I really can't believe how easily we have adjusted to the time difference. We are tired, but not exhausted. We have stayed so busy that, honestly, that is the source of our fatigue...not jet lag. We awakened Wednesday morning anxious to get back to the Transition Home. The drivers, who by now are becoming our friends, were waiting with smiles and whisked us off after breakfast to spend more time with our sweet girl.
The drivers...I have so much to say about them. Dawit “David” is at the wheel, bounding over potholes, dodging pedestrians, donkeys, goats, and dogs, and driving up on a sidewalk if needed to get down the insanely unkempt roads of Addis. There are no seatbelts in the van, so we hold on for dear life and laugh about how boring the traffic in the US will seem when we get home! We call the driving here Demolition Derby, but in reality we have not seen one car accident in the entire city. Not one. They all think it is crazy to have stop signs in the US and to have to stop even when no one is coming! Eyob “Job”, who has walked us through the week and will accompany us to court, has eyes that sparkle with joy, a contagious laugh and loves to share about life in Ethiopia. He loves the children so well, smothering them with hugs and encouraging them as they wait for their families. Yonas is the well-dressed, quiet one. He loves to learn about our lives, and easily shares about Ethiopian history, geography and politics. He also loves the chidlren at the Transition Home well. The older children especially will come up to him for a hug and stay by his side, just content to have his arm draped over his shoulder. Robel, who handles the families here for their Embassy appointments, has been with us for much of the trip. He has traveled all over the world and is very good at explaining the politics and varying cultures of the country. He also has helped prepare us for what to expect on our next trip. Last, but not least, is T. T is a young, but mighty, man of God. He no longer works for AWAA but still chooses to hang out with us because he just loves it. He is a youth pastor here in Addis who also goes to seminary. His love for the Lord and his incredible grasp of English (he seriously does not have an Ethiopian accent when he speaks from years of watching American TV shows!) make it very easy to banter with him. He is on fire for Jesus, and on fire about what he sees the Lord doing around the world. He had been asked by another family how he felt about all the Americans who are coming through and adopting Ethiopian children. His response is one I will never forget:
“I see it as the Kingdom of God coming together to take care of its own.”
Amen, and amen.
So our second day at the Transition home began with a bang. We were standing on the front porch waiting for Eyob to bring her from the second TH. She walked through the gate, saw me, and ran full speed into my arms.
Oh my heart.
We had a wonderful morning together. I brought her Gerber yogurt snacks which she loved. She called them “carmelas” which I now know means candy. She would eat the carmelas and drink my bottle of water, dribbling all over the front of her shirt. When I flicked the water off she cracked up, throwing her head back and laughing hard. Her laugh sounds like tinkling glass. When it was lunchtime we kissed her and reluctantly handed her over to the nanny, tears flowing. She kept telling the nanny in amharic “I don't want to go. I DO NOT want to go. I want to stay.” Friday is going to be so hard.
We went to lunch at the Amsterdam restaurant, which is owned by an Ethiopian man who spent a few years in Holland and brought back the food with him. It was so good. I had a club sandwich that was filled with chopped chicken, eggs, tomatoes, and other flavors that I did not recognize. On the side was french fries! What a sight for sore eyes! As we ate, our companions noticed a woman sitting behind me. They were talking excitedly in Amharic about her, chuckling and staring. Finally they let us in on the fact that she is the biggest movie star in all of Ethiopia! I offered to take their picture with her and they were literally beside themselves. Eyob approached her with starstruck eyes and I expected he and Robel to stand beside her so I could take their photo. Instead, they put ME in the picture with her! So I have a photo of me with Meseret, who I am sure wondered why this American would have any clue who she is!
We went back to the TH after lunch to spend more time with our daughter. Before they brought her to us, though we got the sweet opportunity to take photos of and deliver care packages for 9 little ones whose families are waiting. It was such a neat feeling to be on this end of that experience! I remember how excited I was to get those first photos and wanted to be able to send beautiful pictures to their families. Some of the babies had apparently been awakened from naps, though, and did NOT want to be put down by their nannies. I really did not want to send photos of crying babies...not exactly what a waiting family is hoping for. I did my best to elicit smiles for their parents' sake! The sweetest delivery for me was the one I made to a 10 year old boy. His English is coming along, and we are able to communicate pretty well with him. I had seen him the day before and told him that I had a letter for him from his family and he lit up with a smile, saying “Remember me for my family.” His wise parents had had their letter translated into Amharic, so my camera snapped away while he read their letter. I then handed him the English version which they had sent for him to look over and, to my surprise, he began reading it too! To see this child's excitement, his understanding that there is someone in America who loves him and will come to bring him home, is beyond my capability to describe. He is being adopted. He has a family. Healing has already begun just with that knowledge.
After we finished with the photos they brought Little Sister back in to us. Once again she was so happy we were back. She and I sat quietly for a long time while she ate “carmela” and bantered with the other children who came up to share the love. After a while, the scratching and biting began again. I am not sure why, but I feel it is her attempt to not feel out of control. I noticed that the other children will tease her by trying to pretend I am their mother and she gets extremely agitated. It also happens if she is frustrated. In watching the way the children play and interact with each other, I think that is just not a boundary that has been taught. She will even turn on herself, scratching at her own neck. I will be reading Karen Purvis' books like a mad woman until she comes home so we can nip these behaviors from day 1!
Another thing that worried me is that she obviously was in pain. Her teeth are in terrible condition, huge cavities and decay are very evident. One tooth was causing her great distress and she kept grabbing it with her fingers and crying. It broke my heart.
While at the TH, we had the opportunity to meet with the social worker who gave us all that she had as far as background information. Not much that we didn't already know. We were also supposed to meet with the pediatrician, but he got hung up in traffic so that appointment got postponed. Eyob assured me they would have the doctor look at her tooth, so we left to get ready for the evening's activities. She screamed and cried when I handed her over, and I walked away in tears.
Wednesday evening we were taken to a traditional Ethiopian restaurant to experience food and entertainment, Ethiopian style. What fun! The dancing was incredible, and at times a bit...um...sensual. The dancers did this shoulder dance where they popped their shoulders and necks in all kinds of crazy directions, almost like their joints were dislocated! The real kicker was when a dancer came off the stage, walked up to me, and tried to teach this white girl with no rhythm to do the shoulder dance. I was most definitely the comic relief! The food was amazing...injera, beef, vegetables, and spicy sauces. We learned how to tear the injera and use it to grab bits of all the flavors using only our right hand, as is the tradition here. We drank Coke out of glass bottles again and left feeling full and with cheeks hurting from laughing.
We awakened Thursday feeling not exactly rested. The busyness of the days here, combined with the incessant barking of dogs all over Addis during the night, were beginning to take their toll. Today we had a lot to pack in...Entoto mountain, shopping, and a visit to Kids Care orphanage, where Little Sister was first taken when she was relinquished.
We met our travel companions, who were quickly becoming friends, for breakfast. Rick, Margaret, and Rick's sister, Pattie, were here for Embassy and enjoying their first days with baby Lydia. Oh my word, what a doll she is! I was amazed how perfectly she seemed to bond with them from day 1. I would have never known she had not been with them since birth if I was not there when they brought her out of the TH. After breakfast, we piled into the van for the hour long drive to the top of Entoto mountain, which overlooks the city of Addis. We drove through startlingly poverty-stricken areas surrounded by lush beauty. Such an odd contrast. Ditches filled with murky water, trash, and human excrement just inches from playing children. Women hand-washing linens while chickens pecked away at the ground around their feet. Elderly men struggling to walk down the street, bent over a stick with a cushion of fabric scraps tied to the top with found pieces of twine.
As we gained altitude, the population thinned and the view widened. To our left was a hillside with goats clinging to rock. To our right was a panorama of God's creation...Ethiopia. Green, fertile mountains with the sprawling city of Addis tucked in between. We were above the noise, above the smog and exhaust, and the air was sweet and fresh. Dawit pulled the van over to the side so we could take pictures. We heard the clop clop clop of donkeys coming down the mountain with loads of firewood bound to their backs. Occasionally an old woman would come down with the same burden, bent over and weathered from years of hardship.
We got back into the van and drove to the very top, where the first church in Ethiopia still stands, as well as a beautiful old Orthodox church and museum. Our museum guide explained all the artifacts to us in his best broken English, so very proud of his heritage. As I listened to him speak, my mind drifted to our sweet girl back at the TH. How I want to retain all of this...every word. This her history. These are her people and her ancestors. I want her to know, to be proud of where the Lord chose for her to spend her first three years.
After we finished our tour of Entoto, we drove back down to Addis and stopped by the Kids Care Orphanage, where Little Sister spent 2 months before being taken to the AWAA Transition Home. It was eerily quiet when we arrived, and we were told the children were in class. Eyob stepped into the classroom and quickly motioned for us to enter. We timidly walked in and were greeted by a sea of brown faces and big, sparkling brown eyes who looked at us with unbridled curiosity and excitement. Eyob said something in Amharic and the children shouted in unision, “Hello, friends! It's nice to meet you!” Then a little girl stood with a stick and pointed to the torn alphabet chart hanging on the wall and the class mimicked her as she said “A..B...C...D...E...F-eh...G...” They were so proud to show off for us!
We ducked out of the classroom and walked across the couryard to the building where the babies and toddlers are taken care of. I walked into the baby room and nearly burst into tears. 6 babies lay on their backs. 3 were perfectly still and looked at me as if saying “Please pick me up.” One fussed quietly and the other two...tiny, scrawny, hungry newborns. One had dried milk around his mouth but sucked the air as if hoping for more. The other was so small and thin, I couldn't help but wonder how it had survived long enough to be brought to the orphanage. Oh how I longed to pick them up, but I knew if I did it would result in 6 screaming babies with only one nanny in the room. I had to respect her and the fact that she was doing her very best under the circumstances. I placed my hand on each of their foreheads, prayed for them, and walked out of the room in shock.
We went down the hall to what was apprently a toddler room. The door was halfway open and the room was full of little ones. Two ran up and jumped into waiting arms. I was the last one at the door, and noticed a little girl on the floor with obvious special needs. All of a sudden she used her hands to glide across the floor on her bottom and just like that she was at my feet with her arms raised, her head gently rocking back and forth and her eyes moving about out of her control. I picked her up and kissed her braided hair while tears filled my eyes. What hope is there for a child like this here? There is no physical therapy, no medical intervention available to an orphaned child who suffers from a syndrome like this. We asked if she was about three years old and Eyob said, “No, she is seven.”
She has lived in the orphanage for five years.
Oh God, look upon her sweet face and let her feel You.
I gazed into her unfocused eyes and told her she is beautiful and that Jesus loves her. I held her for a long time and just prayed that she could feel her worth. I passed her over to my husband and she immediately explored his face, fascinated with his whiskers.
She has a name.
She is a person.
She is fearfully and wonderfully made.
She is precious in His sight.
After Kids Care we went to lunch again. We ate at a restaurant called “Lucy Bar and Restaurant,” named after the famed skeleton that was found in Ethiopia which is the earliest known human remains. It was right next to the museum where she is housed. I ordered Doro Wat, as that is one dish I wanted to be sure to try while here. It was SO good. Spicy chicken, a whole egg, and red pepper sauce with a kick tempered by the sour injera...the drivers were delighted when I ordered it and even more so when I declared I liked it!
We drove back to the TH to spend more time with sweet girl, and I found her waiting quietly in an office. She looked up from her daze, recognized me, and ran to me again.
Oh my heart.
I carried her up front where Daddy was kicking a soccer ball with the boys and we sat down to let her eat the carmela I had hiding in my backpack. A little girl, around the age of 12, who obviously loves her sat with us. She held my hand, kissed my cheek, rubbed my arm, and just gazed at me in adoration. She loved to make Little Sister laugh, but didn't pick up on her clues when she had had “enough”. She would tease her in Amharic, saying that I was her mommy and stealing kisses, and Little Sister became very agitated. She would start hitting her and pulling her hair, and the girl would laugh. Hmmm, I think I see why these physical outbursts are so common with her...the kids egg her on and laugh when she does things that hurt. I finally picked her up and walked around with her, though I hated to turn my back on the girl, but LS was much calmer when I kept her up and away...safe. I am here for her, and I need to take every opportunity to show her she is safe with me and build her trust. Later on, I was sitting quietly with her laying across my lap when a boy, about 12 years old, came up and spoke softly to her while caressing her head. He looked at me and said “She loves you.” My heart skipped a beat. I talked with him a while, learning that he was an orphan still waiting for a family. This child is precious, smart, and beautiful. He would be a blessing to anyone. I looked into his eyes and said “I believe God is going to give you a Mommy and Daddy. You will be happy. “ His eyes lit up and he said, “I believe in Jesus. I believe He died for my sins. I study hard, I pray in my bed, and I read the Bible. I am not worried. I trust God.”
If I could fit him in my suitcase I would. What a mighty young man of God! I said that when he comes to America I hope our families become friends so we can visit. He smiled and nodded. I have NO DOUBT he will be snatched up soon. I will be doing everything in my power to make sure he does.
Before leaving the TH, we spoke with the Pediatrician who said he had seen her creep up a bit on the growth chart, which was encouraging. He discussed possible concerns and issues with her growth and development but it was nothing we did not already know. We thanked him and kissed her goodbye before heading to the Boston Day Spa for a massage (Ahhhhhh....less than 10 US dollars for 30 minutes!) and then out to dinner at Castelli's Italian Restaurant which was our gift to our drivers for making the week so enjoyable and treating us so well. We enjoyed a glass of wine and lots of laughter before heading back to the Guest House for our last night in Africa. Wow, how time flies.
We awakened Friday morning, eager to go to court and make sweet girl officially our daughter. I had butterflies in my stomach, despite the assurance that court was “no big deal” and that we'd be in and out in 5 minutes, no problem. Duni called around 9:00 and said we should just hang around the Guest House until time for our appointment since it is only a 3 minute drive. So we passed time by packing for the flight home. At 11:00 we were told it was time, so we hopped into the van and whizzed over to the court house. We got to the door and a guard told Eyob that we could not go in because there was a meeting. Eyob turned his attention to a handwritten sign taped to the door which had apparently been posted late the night before. Courts closed for emergency meeting. No cases until Monday. The AWAA employee who handles the courts looked at us and said “Can you come back Monday?”
Um. No.
I had a Jerry Seinfeld flashback of the soup Nazi..."No soup for you! Come back two weeks!"
I suppose I appeared calm but I looked at my husband with a feeling of panic welling up inside of me.
My heart was racing. What does this mean?
Feeling defeated we went back to the Guest House. Duni contacted the judge and tried to get us in but there was no way. Because of the meeting all court employees had gone home. We would have to stay. My husband, though, could not take off work three more days just like that, so we asked if they would let me stay and him go home. The judge agreed. So, suddenly, our entire weekend changed. I would be spending three days alone in Africa.
We whizzed around town again, having lunch at a Tex Mex restaurant (I am not kidding! I had a quesadilla with guacamole!) going to the airline office to change my ticket, to an ATM to get more cash, and to the Transition Home to spend another afternoon with Little Sister. Kids were everywhere, and once again the same little girl started teasing her...acting like she was going to take me away from her. LS was not playing that game...not for one minute. I again had to remove her from the situation because she became so agitated. I longed for alone time with her so I could focus on bonding and not be fending off other children who so desperately want the family they see she has been given. What a hard place to be. My husband spent more time playing soccer with the older boys and wept when we had to say goodbye. We went back to the Guest House so my husband could pack and leave for the airport. We called home and let everyone know what was happening. They were tearful when they realized I was not coming home in “one more sleep” as planned. As he hugged and kissed me goodbye I realized I was shaking and crying. He said “You are in a safe place, you know that right? Are you scared?” I said I knew I was safe, but so many emotions were raging. We both knew that our friends in the US who did not know what it was like here would think he was crazy for leaving me. I knew I was in good hands and that this extra time with my daughter could only be good for her, but I missed my babies at home terribly. Add to that the fact that the power went out as they prepared to leave, and you have a recipe for disaster! The van arrived to take everyone to the airport and I stood at the door, numb, as they drove away. I was alone. In Ethiopia. Lord, you must have a lot more faith in me than I have in myself so here I am, in your hands. Gulp.
I ate dinner alone and called my sister-in-law via cell phone as the internet was down. The generator had kicked on after the power outage but the entire guest house smelled like Diesel fumes and the internet was fried. Gotta love that timing. She agreed to let everyone know and to post on Facebook for me so people could be praying. I went to bed feeling the beginnings of a head cold coming on.
I slept like crap. Dogs barked all night long. I tried wearing ear plugs but my head cold, which had firmly entrenched itself, made the plugs extremely uncomfortable. I popped another cold medicine tablet and drank pineapple juice at breakfast, hoping the vitamin C would help. After breakfast I went back to my room and lay down. Apparently the dogs don't bark in the daytime so I was able to steal another 2 hours of sleep. I'll take it.
Around 12:30 Eyob called and offered to take me to lunch. I agreed and we met Dawit at the Zebra Grill where I had chicken kabobs and french fries. I seriously love the fries. And Coke. Talk about comfort food! We went to the Transition Home and I spent two wonderful, peaceful hours with LS. It was just what I had hoped for. She cuddled and kissed and laughed while eating the last package of fruit snacks in my backpack. I got out my camera and showed her how to press the button to scroll through all of the photos I have taken and she spent the good part of an hour doing just that...naming the people she recognized and smiling at “Daddy” when she saw him. It was priceless.
I was driven back to the Guest House and I was thrilled to find out the internet was finally working again. Hallelujah! I called my sweeties at home, talked to my mom, and even spoke with my hubby who was waiting for his last flight home. A knock at my door startled me, and I opened to find the lady from the front desk telling me Eyob had called and told her I need a new room so the dogs would not keep me awake. I was surprised, and agreed to move to the bedroom adjoining the living area we had been using. The window faced a different direction but I honestly wondered if it would make a difference. I figured it was worth a shot. So I shuffled all my things to the new room and then I ate dinner downstairs again...alone. This time I brought a book to read while eating, so that helped a little. It sure would have been nice if more families had been coming in for court this weekend, but unfortunately there were no more until the next week. Oh well. I went back to my room and piddled on Facebook for a while and watched a couple of really bad, no-name American movies before popping another cold medicine pill and going to bed. Cough...cough...cough.
Wow. Sleep. I have missed you old friend! 10 hours of sleep definitely recharged this travel-weary body and, though the head cold still persisted, it seemed to be not quite as intense. Thank you, Lord. I ate breakfast...by now the chef didn't even ask if I wanted scrambled egg but just delivered it with a smile to the table...and chatted with Lorena and Steven who are here from California for 6 months. I went back up and got dressed, looking forward to going to church with T and experiencing worship in a new country! Yonas arrived with a driver who I did not know to take me to church. It was in an area of town that I had not yet seen, so the 30 minute drive was nice. I actually saw a traffic light for the first time since my arrival! T spotted me as I wandered around the crowd waiting for time for the service to begin and greeted me with a hug. He showed me around the grounds and we even ran into Duni. We went into the sanctuary and sat on the front row. I did not know what to expect so imagine my surprise when three white Americans got up to lead worship backed by a band and choir made up of Ethiopians, Ugandans, Kenyans, Koreans, Australian, and Chinese members! The name of the church is the International Evangelical Church and, true to its name, it is a little slice of Heaven. With services in English, French, Chinese, and Korean languages as well as Sunday School in English and Amharic it was a level of diversity like I have never seen. The service was very American in style...I recognized all of the songs (most from Hillsong) but the difference was in the volume. These people sing, and they sing LOUD. At the end of a song, when most congregants applauded, the back of the room erupted with women trilling their tongues. What an amazing experience! I thought the congregation was going to sing the roof right off of the building! How God must love that enthusiasm...
After church we went to lunch and I had Margherita Pizza with hot lemon tea. Good stuff. Then we went to the Transition Home to spend the afternoon with miss priss. She arrived with a smile and I smooched her cheeks, noting the sheet marks on her face. They had apparently awakened her from her nap to see me. I could tell she was groggy so I sat her down to get today's treasure out of my back pack. I had run out of fruit snacks, (because, if you remember, I was supposed to be HOME by now!) so I had stuck a package of pop tart treats thinking they would be good. Nope. She was sorely disappointed in what I had to offer. The kid wanted sugar...and would not even taste the treats because they looked like crackers. Darn. She whined a bit and explored my backpack, trying to find a piece of candy to no avail. Finally she gave up. We went down to the gravel parking area where Yonas was kicking a soccer ball with the three older boys who had stolen my hubby's heart this week. They greeted me with hugs and kisses and bright faces. Little Sister spotted a toy on the ground...a little half-ball that your flip inside-out and lay it down til it pops up. She had fun with it and then one of the boys tried to show her how she could make it pop in her hand. She was not about to give him the chance. I have noticed the girl is possessive of her stuff, and she got upset when he gently took the ball out of her hand in an attempt to show her the new trick.
Let the meltdown begin.
I tried giving her my camera to play with.
Scream, scream, whine.
I tried rocking her and soothing her.
Scream, scream, whine.
I tried putting her down.
Scream, hit, claw.
I turned her around so she could not hurt me or herself.
Freak out to the Nth degree.
On and on it went. The language barrier was painfully apparent and I braced myself for what I could see may be a rough first few weeks at home. I mustered all the patience I had for this tiny girl who is so wounded and afraid and Yonas called her nanny to come and see if she could calm her down. I was glad to see the Nanny, but LS did not want her which actually made me feel better. The Nanny took her and walked into the building to try to get her to talk and she came out saying “She wants the camera.”
But I tried to give her the camera!
So I tried again. But STUPID MOM unzipped the case for her. What was I thinking?? LS went into fits again. So the Nanny, Yonas, and I just stood there waiting for her to give it up. Yonas then gave me a piece of information that will be useful in the coming weeks and months...
“In our culture, when a child wants something we give it to them. We spoil our children.”
I nodded and said, “Oh, and in America if they whine we tell them no. That's ok, she will learn.”
“Yes,” he said, “She will learn.”
The crying and whining went on for over an hour. I did NOT want to leave with her upset for fear that she would think her behavior had driven me away. Thankfully, she gradually calmed down and began interacting with the nannies who offered different distractions...toys, tissues, songs. Before long she was giving me kisses again and playing Peek-a-boo while giggling uncontrollably. Thank God. The nanny heard me saying “I love you” in Amharic and she looked at me and asked “Do you love her?”
“Yes,” I answered, “very much.” She smiled and said something to LS which caused her to give me a big kiss on the cheek. Then it was time for us to leave, so I promised I would bring her something special tomorrow and she walked through the gate, smiling and waving at me.
Tomorrow she gets the bear we made for her early in the summer...the big purple bear which plays the recording of her brothers and sisters saying “We love you!” and which, I hope, will help her remember that we will not leave her an orphan...we will come for her.