Thursday, November 7, 2013

What if we do this?

An article passed through my newsfeed today.  It was from Focus on the Family and is about how a man prayed for God to shut down various porn shops in his city over the years and every time, every time, it happened.  God answered and came through and shut the doors of these evil places.

I will confess I have passed shops like this many times, but not once did it ever cross my mind to pray for God to close their doors!  Duh!  How many young girls are exploited in places like this?  How many marriages destroyed?  How many strongholds reinforced and hearts grown stone-cold as a result of the filth that is sold in these shops?

So I shared the article on my Facebook page, and it got a response from several of my Christian friends.  I felt like God was challenging me...challenging take this seriously.  What if God's people pray?  What if we take this challenge and stand together?  Why don't we as the body of Christ link arms and hearts and pray the filth out of our neighborhoods and towns? Do we not believe God can do it?  I do!  Today, I choose to believe that my God can do whatever needs to be done to close the doors of the local porn shops and I challenge you to join me!
Share this with everyone you know and then link back here so we can stay connected. Look up the local establishments and start storming Heaven's gates, praying against them by name.


Because I believe that behind every seedy shop, there are daughters and sons.  There are children and young women being used and abused and I guarantee these place are associated with sex trafficking in one way or another.  If the market closes, the traffickers and sex-pushers will be forced to go elsewhere to peddle their wares.  Let's do this.  Share your prayer here and let's join together in expectation of what God IS going to do!  I'm starting with the Body Shop here in the heart of our beautiful downtown:
Lord, shut it down.  Clean it out and replace it with a business that is strengthening to hearts, to bodies, to families, to faith.  Father I pray in the name of Jesus that you will shut the doors of the Body Shop and every house of porn, every hot-bed of prostitution and trafficking and raise up our city in purity and holiness for YOUR glory.


It's your turn, my friends.  Let's start a chain reaction that resonates through the Kingdom of God!  Share your prayers in the comments below.  Let's DO THIS!  

And let's not forget the abortion clinics.  I hope we all get sore knees from praying!  "On Earth as it is in Heaven, Lord!"

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