Tuesday, January 7, 2014


names, baby, what, cute

When I named this blog, my daughter helped me.  I wanted something cute, catchy, and unique.  "Birds in the Treetops" was fun, sing-songy, and happy.  We both liked it because I thought I'd be writing a lot about parenting, adoption, homeschooling, orphan care, and just encouraging stories for my mom friends.  I have done a little of that, I guess, but the Lord has lit a fire in me that made me wonder if I misnamed my little corner of the blogosphere.

I mean, what does "Birds in the Treetops" have to do with spiritual warfare, fighting for our kids, being different and resisting the lures of the world?  (Because that is kind of where this thing has gone lately.)

As I thought about it, my focus went to John 1:14-
     "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."

We have seen His glory!  We cannot help but declare what the Father has revealed to us, His Son...Jesus!

Just as a bird sings when the skies are blue, it also sounds the alarm when danger is near.  From the treetops come messages of celebration and of warning!

We did, in fact, choose the perfect name for this blog, for that is exactly what I have felt God calling me to do!

I want to celebrate Him...His victories in my life and the lives of my family.  I still plan to share stories, memories of my kids and the craziness that comes with having a family of 7.  But I have become much more careful because as my kids get older I have to respect their privacy and realize that if one of their friends ran across this blog I would not want anything on here to be a source of embarrassment.  So it has become less about my kids and more about Jesus.  I want to give Him praise for answered prayers and for His visible hand of mercy in our lives.  I also want to be a voice of truth, sometimes sharing a message that the world may not want me to share; a message of choosing holiness, of obedience when it doesn't make sense, and of being in the trenches of battle for the hearts and lives of these kids with whom the Lord has entrusted us.  I want to remind my fellow moms that we can do this because God is the one who does it.  We are the vessels for His endless power and our prayers ARE heard.  I want to shout this because it is often ME who needs to hear it.

Yes, I am usually writing to myself.  You just get to read along :)

So there you go.  I hope you stick with me and, if you like what you read, share Birds in the Treetops with your friends.
I would also love feedback.  What are you struggling with as a mom?  Where does doubt creep in when it comes to raising and praying for your kids?  When is it hard to believe that God is in control?  (I know you have those moments because I do, too.)  I'm excited about what God is doing here, and I want you to know that each post is published with prayer.  I want to be a voice of Truth, pointing you to Jesus.  I pray that is exactly what happens when you read what I write.


  1. Bird in the Treetops makes me think of 2 Samuel 5:24 "When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, act decisively, for then the Lord will have marched out ahead of you to attack the camp of the Philistines.” It is the power of the Lord! Blessings as you follow His call and leading in this by acting decisively :)

    As a mom, I struggle most right now with doing what the Lord has called our family to verses what society has drilled into our heads that is "right". Sometimes we have to make a choice between the two and it is very hard...

    1. Tiffany, YES! That is it! Thank you for that good word!
      And I am praying for y'all as you follow His call. What an awesome adventure following Jesus is!


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