I met her early on...she was early in her first pregnancy and it was their first week at our church. She looked happy. Tired, but happy.
Her husband was in training, just a year behind mine, and we chatted.
"Do you have children?"
"Not yet," I replied. "We are hoping to soon."
We had been hoping for 6 months...and I was beginning to doubt, to worry, even despair.
My mother had produced babies so easily, I had just assumed I would also.
Almost four years later, our prayers were finally answered. We arrived home with our son with hearts rejoicing and breaking all at the same time. Finally he was here, but at such cost to the young woman who loved him first. Grief intermingled with joy and tears flowed so easily in those days.
Redemption is always wrought with pain.
My friend came to me that week and said she had something to tell me.
"Do you remember when we met?"
"Yes," I said.
"You told me you were trying for a baby and God spoke to me in that moment. I didn't tell you until now because I wanted to be sure I heard Him correctly. When you said you were hoping for a baby, He spoke to me and said...
'It is going to be a long time...and it will happen in April.' "
My jaw dropped.
My son was placed in my arms on April 1st.
God knew. God knew and He had planned this all out down to the very last detail. He had left no stone unturned.
It happened in April, just as He said.
Now, twelve years later, I remember and I thank Him...for that first "gotcha day" that was so long ago but, today, feels like just yesterday. For the young woman who still loves him so, and who gave him the beautiful smile that lights my day. For the promise fulfilled, and the gentle way in which He worked it all out. That I can tell my son this was truly all part of God's plan...that not one moment of his life has been a surprise to His Heavenly Father.
Every beautiful and hard and wonderful thing happened exactly as he said it would, because He said it would (Jeremiah 1:5)
Thank you, Father...
and happy gotcha day, tomorrow, to my sweet boy. I'm SO glad we gotcha :)

Her husband was in training, just a year behind mine, and we chatted.
"Do you have children?"
"Not yet," I replied. "We are hoping to soon."
We had been hoping for 6 months...and I was beginning to doubt, to worry, even despair.
My mother had produced babies so easily, I had just assumed I would also.
Almost four years later, our prayers were finally answered. We arrived home with our son with hearts rejoicing and breaking all at the same time. Finally he was here, but at such cost to the young woman who loved him first. Grief intermingled with joy and tears flowed so easily in those days.
Redemption is always wrought with pain.
My friend came to me that week and said she had something to tell me.
"Do you remember when we met?"
"Yes," I said.
"You told me you were trying for a baby and God spoke to me in that moment. I didn't tell you until now because I wanted to be sure I heard Him correctly. When you said you were hoping for a baby, He spoke to me and said...
'It is going to be a long time...and it will happen in April.' "
My jaw dropped.
My son was placed in my arms on April 1st.
God knew. God knew and He had planned this all out down to the very last detail. He had left no stone unturned.
It happened in April, just as He said.
Now, twelve years later, I remember and I thank Him...for that first "gotcha day" that was so long ago but, today, feels like just yesterday. For the young woman who still loves him so, and who gave him the beautiful smile that lights my day. For the promise fulfilled, and the gentle way in which He worked it all out. That I can tell my son this was truly all part of God's plan...that not one moment of his life has been a surprise to His Heavenly Father.
Every beautiful and hard and wonderful thing happened exactly as he said it would, because He said it would (Jeremiah 1:5)
Thank you, Father...
and happy gotcha day, tomorrow, to my sweet boy. I'm SO glad we gotcha :)

happy belated birthday to your eldest. loved your prayer and heart-outpourings for your son. it is truly amazing to parent. what seems so strange to me is our sons' time at home is now likely shorter than the years behind us. how did the time go so fast?