Monday, April 2, 2012

Washed clean despite ourselves...

We read from Luke this morning, about the woman with the alabaster jar.

How she walked right into a room of men who looked down upon her...saw her as trash... and fell upon her knees at the feet of Jesus.

How she was riddled with sin, yet she came.  She wept and flooded his feet with her tears.
She wiped the tears away with her long hair, no doubt leaving streaks in the dirt that clung to his skin.
She broke the jar of perfume and poured it all over his feet, not sparing a drop.  Not caring how much it cost.
She only knew that He could see through the sin.  He saw who she really was, who He intended her to be all along.  Her pride was gone.  Her fear was gone.  She had eyes and a heart completely fixated on Him.  He was worth all she could give.

No sin could keep her away.  No amount of shame could stop her anymore.  She was utterly broken and in need and she knew it.
Oh, how she knew it.

He looked at her and loved her and instantly pronounced her clean.

I told my children this story and they looked at me with eyes clear, with simple understanding.

The Word of God filled the room with a holy peace and we marveled at how hard it is for the proud to approach him, how those who have been forgiven of much love much, how realizing we can never be worthy of his love is the key...that his grace is unexplainable, irrational, ridiculous, unable to be earned by our most earnest attempts,

He loves us.  Oh, how he loves us.

Happy Holy Week, my friends.  May we all look upon Him with eyes clear and bask in the extravagant love He pours out upon us.

Because He is worthy.

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