Thursday, January 10, 2013


There was a bigger than usual response to my last post...which surprised and heartened me at the same time.  It it seems there are many mamas like me who need that kick in the rear...that reminder of who and WHOSE we are.   That God has and will continue to equip us to raise up these children in such a time as this.
It has blessed me to remember the fact that we are all battling for the hearts of our children, warring against this culture and the godlessness all around us.  And do you know what?

We are in this together.

Where two or three are gathered, sisters...well, that is us.  And God is here.

So let's get on our knees.  Let's pray for one another.  I would love it if you would leave a comment sharing how the women who read this little blog can pray for you.  And let's pass it on...let's start a movement of being on our knees for our children, of being willing to raise them up according to the Word of God instead of conforming to the world.  

You can share on Twitter (@fromafullheart) or here in the comments section.  

And I will start.

You can pray for me as my oldest is turning 13 soon.  He is a GREAT kid...but this is new territory for us and I will unashamedly ask for wisdom as we embark on the teen years.   I also ask for prayer for our youngest.  That she will fully attach and heal and be all that God created her to be.  Pray for her salvation.  There are still a lot of scars from the hardships of her first three years of life.  

So tell us how we can pray for you, then pass this on to someone who you feel could use a boost as well!   Let's mother our chicks with eternity in focus and do it from our knees!


  1. You can pray for me as we are bringing home a little daughter from China soon. I already feel like I don't spend enough time with the older two and I have an almost 2 year old, who will still need my attention. I know that God will be enough for them when I can and when I can't.

    1. Kristin thank you! I will be so happy to pray for you. I had that feeling every time we added to our family...sometimes still do:).

  2. Since I last talked to you, we did end up bringing F home to homeschool again. I'm so glad we did. Love the extra time I have had with him. just need one more document for our dossier and the homestudy report. I would love to pray for you...every morning on our short commute to A's school we pray in the car.
    I think we need prayer for preparation and transitions.

  3. A, I have been praying and will continue! I'm so glad you are almost to the end of that mountain of paperwork, and that you were able to bring F home again. That is a blessing. Keep me posted!


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