Monday, March 11, 2013


Drew is missing those front two teeth, the mark of age 6, the trademark of all first grade pictures.  He lisps when he speaks and I can see his tongue peeking from behind and it just makes me laugh.  

He is sweetly self conscious of it, but I hope the new ones don't come in too quickly.  I so enjoy these days when my babies are hanging on to that last shred of "little kid-ness."  

How are my babies six?

Mari is missing one tooth, herself, and three more are dangling.  It will be a busy year for the toothfairy, and a bittersweet one as this mama prepares to look ahead to first grade.

Wow.  First grade.  It will be here before I know it.  Only two more months left of this precious kindergarten year.  

They are growing up and fast.  I'm so thankful to be here with them, to be allowed to witness the little every day joys of learning and love and long hours of play.  It is a blessing and a privilege to be their mama and to be allowed the joy of teaching them, to gasp in admiration when they correctly sound out words like "happy" and "cannot" and smile when they giggle at something in the story we are reading.

I wouldn't trade these days for anything.

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