So on day 7 (which was yesterday, I know!) I am thankful for my home with plenty of room for a visitor or ten and the blessing of a large table at which to share a meal with friends.
On day 8 I am thankful for the happy mess that is Autumn. Piles of leaves and ten arms and legs sticking out of them in all directions...such wonderful kid happiness. I cannot wait to introduce our sweet Ethiopian visitors to these big leaf piles and fun tomorrow!
ETA: As we walked into our church to pick up our new friends, Mari took my hand and asked if these kids have a family. "No," I said, "they don't yet. But we are going to pray for God to give them a Mommy and Daddy."
She didn't miss a beat...and said, "They can share our Mommy and Daddy."
Out of the mouths of babes, I tell you. She remembers waiting. She remembers...and she knows what it is like to long, to wonder, to hope. I have to believe that the prayers of my daughter are soaring to the heavens, straight to the ears of God, powered with faith that moves mountains. Oh, my heart.

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