Thursday, September 27, 2012

Life is too short to be shy

If you read this blog often, or know me personally, then you are aware that I am a HUGE Andrew Peterson fan.


I also love me some Steven Curtis Chapman and Show imagine my surprise and joy when, while at an Andrew Peterson concert last week, I saw Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman sitting below us (we were in the balcony).  Wow.  I kind of spied on them all during the concert because I wanted to see their reaction to their boys,aka Caleb (the band) who just happened to be Andrew Peterson's band for this tour!
Wow again.  Incredible music.  Incredible worship.  My hubs and I were on cloud 9.  Seriously...if you get a chance to see AP in concert, get tickets for you and all of your friends.  I am not joking.  Best live performances you could ever hope to see.

So intermission comes and I head downstairs to score a Caleb CD (because those boys are great!) and who do I see just a few dozen feet away?

Mr. and Mrs. Chapman.

I had a quick decision to make.  I could go to my seat, or I could talk to them.

Before I could lose my nerve, I walked up to them.  Mary Beth saw me coming and stepped out into the aisle to meet me.  I took a deep breath and told her what I really wanted her to know.

First of all I am not a stalker.  Well, at least not the dangerous kind.  :)  Actually...I opened by telling her I know so-and-so...a mutual that I would not completely freak her out.

I told her how she blesses what they do and what they stand for mean so much.  That I am an adoptive mama of 5 and feel an instant connection to others like me.  She smiled and nodded and was so very sweet, then turned to her husband and patted him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"This is my husband, Steven," she said.  I grinned and kind of gushed..."I know who you are.  Your album was one of the very first ones I ever bought after I was saved."

He smiled so big as he shook my hand.  They were SO NICE.  We chatted about Show Hope...about how amazing it is that Andrew Peterson has come on board and is showcasing them at each concert on his Light for the Lost Boy tour...and I walked back to my seat with a goofy, satisfied grin on my face.
I joined my hubby and our friends and my friend laughed..."Where were you?  Were you stalking people?"
(Methinks she knows me too well!)

"Actually, I was just talking with Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman."

"You did NOT!" laughed my hubs.

"Oh yes I did...ask M, she saw me!"

A laughed, "That's why we love you...because you will do the things the rest of us are afraid to do."

"I have just decided," I said, "that life is too short to be shy."

And I mean that.  I may never have the chance to tell a special person how I feel when I have it I had better grab it and run.  And so should you.

Life is short.  Love hard.

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