I have never observed Lent.
Since my salvation at the age of twenty-one, I have known of the season. But, being that we are Protestants by tradition, non-denominational to be specific, Lenten traditions have always been of the "Hm, that sounds very nice. I'm glad you enjoy it" category in my mind.
This year, though, I am drawn. I am sure it has to do with this need that the Lord has stirred within me for hard stops...for choosing to look and see and feel and not just react to whatever is happening during any given moment of my day.
Last week, I was rearranging a few objects on a bookshelf. I ran across books...bound copies of my blog posts (from this and a previous blog). I opened them and began turning the pages and stood in awe of the stories God has given my family.
I realized something hard. I have been robbed.
Actually, I have robbed myself.
I have "sold" my stories to Facebook, allowed them to be condensed into short status updates and enjoyed the instant feedback of my friends, but those stories are gone as soon as the time line pushes them off of my wall.
Where are the details of the past three years? Where are the short stories that have crossed my heart and blessed my soul? They are gone. How will my children remember if I don't keep a record for them? Since my conversion to Facebook my blog posts have been few and far between. I am going to regret it if I don't change it now.
So for my first observation of Lent, I am fasting from Facebook. No status updates, no I-phone app, no messages. I am going to prayerfully dive back into writing and recording this beautiful journey that is my walk with God and His work in my family. It is going to be hard because I have become quiteaddicted accustomed to checking my news feed and enjoying comments when I crank out something cute or witty.
But the fact that I was holding my breath as I typed the previous paragraph confirms to me that it will be a good decision.
I am going to write. I am going to create. I am going to focus and worship the One who is worthy. Oh yes, I am going to take a step back and find yet another way to be still and know...
So, if you are a "real life" friend, please contact me by phone...or email. I am unstalling the Facebook app Tuesday at sundown.
I can hardly wait to see what beauty, what revelation this Easter season will hold.

Since my salvation at the age of twenty-one, I have known of the season. But, being that we are Protestants by tradition, non-denominational to be specific, Lenten traditions have always been of the "Hm, that sounds very nice. I'm glad you enjoy it" category in my mind.
This year, though, I am drawn. I am sure it has to do with this need that the Lord has stirred within me for hard stops...for choosing to look and see and feel and not just react to whatever is happening during any given moment of my day.
Last week, I was rearranging a few objects on a bookshelf. I ran across books...bound copies of my blog posts (from this and a previous blog). I opened them and began turning the pages and stood in awe of the stories God has given my family.
I realized something hard. I have been robbed.
Actually, I have robbed myself.
I have "sold" my stories to Facebook, allowed them to be condensed into short status updates and enjoyed the instant feedback of my friends, but those stories are gone as soon as the time line pushes them off of my wall.
Where are the details of the past three years? Where are the short stories that have crossed my heart and blessed my soul? They are gone. How will my children remember if I don't keep a record for them? Since my conversion to Facebook my blog posts have been few and far between. I am going to regret it if I don't change it now.
So for my first observation of Lent, I am fasting from Facebook. No status updates, no I-phone app, no messages. I am going to prayerfully dive back into writing and recording this beautiful journey that is my walk with God and His work in my family. It is going to be hard because I have become quite
But the fact that I was holding my breath as I typed the previous paragraph confirms to me that it will be a good decision.
I am going to write. I am going to create. I am going to focus and worship the One who is worthy. Oh yes, I am going to take a step back and find yet another way to be still and know...
So, if you are a "real life" friend, please contact me by phone...or email. I am unstalling the Facebook app Tuesday at sundown.
I can hardly wait to see what beauty, what revelation this Easter season will hold.
He makes all things new... |

I look forward to reading your blog and the expanded God story.
ReplyDeleteI feel ya, sister friend.
ReplyDeleteI will enjoy the more frequent blog updates but will greatly miss your ray of sunshine on FB!!
My family is planning on reading through A Place at the Table by Chris Seay for lent and I believe a fast from facebook is most definitely in order. Thanks for sharing and I, too, look forward to more blog updates. (On a side note, when my hubby and I first began thinking about adoption, yours was the first blog my sister suggested. That was almost 3 years ago!
ReplyDeleteKristin, Wow. I am humbled that you have stuck with me this long! Thank you :) I am definitely enjoy having more time to write.